Jessie's Well Blog

Day 26


Day 26
October 3, 2015


We awoke early this morning in Liberal, Kansas to 50 degree temperature and blowing rain showers from the southeast at about 12 miles per hour.  Based on radar it appeared that the band of showers were moving west/northwest so I waited until the showers stopped.  I started riding in cool overcast weather with a light drizzle as I headed to Perryton, Texas.  About 15 miles from Liberal the rain began again and increased steadily.  The headwind was steady and the rain continued making for a very “cool” ride with significant wind chill.  At several points I wanted to stop but knowing if I did I would freeze.  At least while riding, my body temperature stayed up and kept me fairly warm.  I was soaked when I made my destination but arrived without feeling in my hands or feet.  A good Mexican lunch in Perryton and 3 cups of coffee warmed me up. 

Still raining but we’re tucked in for the evening.  We were thrilled to hear that our great friend, Tore Borhaug, is driving his motorhome from Denver to meet us.  He has been touring the west with some friends and plans to rendezvous with us tonight on his way back to North Carolina. 

Tomorrow I will ride from Perryton, Texas to Canadian, Texas and still on schedule!